Gary Pullin, known to horror enthusiasts and art collectors as "Ghoulish Gary," is an award-winning artist and leading designer in the world of alternative movie posters, vinyl record packaging, and pop culture art. After a thirteen-year stint as Rue Morgue magazine's original art director, he's now a full-time creature creator. His colorful signature style has graced numerous magazines, book covers, soundtracks, and movie posters. He's had his work featured in galleries across North America, created highly sought-after screenprints for the likes of Mondo and Skuzzles; album art for Waxwork Records, Mondo, Death Waltz, and Varese Sarabande; and created key art for various films, including The Babadook. Gary lives in a century-old home with his bride, Nicole, and their monster dog, Pandora.
Visit Gary Pullin's website, or follow him on Facebook (GhoulishGaryPullin) Twitter (@ghoulishgary) and Instagram (ghoulishgary).